African-American Cowboy

I met this guy about a week ago. He’s what most people would call country. I honestly think he’s pretty hot (in a Sidney Portier in Buck and The Preacher sort of way). That’s a pretty good movie by the way. But nonetheless, I’m interestingly attracted to him.

I’m normally attracted to city boys. This could have absolutely nothing to do with a rebellious nature and everything to do with not being exposed to the city life. I grew up next door to a farm that was ran by my grandfather. City boys made me feel as though there was something they could show me that I’d never seen before. My adventurous nature found that quite appealing. Until I met Him…..

I saw him and the dreamer in me immediately turned into a lady in distress, lost in a desert. I imagined him coming to my rescue in tight jeans, cowboy boots, and a cowboy hat. To my side, he would flee saying “Howdy purty lady!” Keep in mind that this was all happening in my head while he attempted to have a conversation with me. 🙂 I was in awe.

I eventually snapped back to reality and we were able to have a decent conversation. He did get cool points for being attentive and being able to actually hold his own in the conversation. Have you ever been talking to someone and no matter how tired you got, you just couldn’t leave and go to sleep because you felt like you would miss something important? Well that’s how I felt talking to him. Not too many people have the ability to cause me to want to lose sleep. That’s two more points for him. In spite of the conversation that we had, he is still a mystery to me and that’s okay.

It seems as though I’ll be seeing a lot of him in the near future. Honestly, I’m sort of looking forward to it. We’ll see what becomes of this mystery man. But for now, I’ll just refer to him as the African-American Cowboy.

Until then, see you later my friends.